How To Stay Sane During A Crisis


How To Stay Sane During A Crisis

Crisis affects your physical and mental health. The longer it stays unresolved, the longer your body and mind have to endure the stress it brings. Your own coping mechanisms generally help you meet the challenges of a crisis. But, if you lack the proper mindset and attitudes, you can burn out.

So how should you preserve your physical and mental well-being when faced with critical situations?


Develop a Positive Mindset

The importance of creating a positive mindset cannot be stressed enough. True positivity is crucial to managing personal hardships and challenges. It keeps you from succumbing to crisis.

A positive mindset cannot be forced nor faked. Positive people do get anxious, sad and angry as well. Yet, they bounce back because they truly believe in a core truth: life is essentially good. Positive people see a crises as an opportunity for personal growth and learning.

Embracing a positive mindset will make it easy for you to maintain resilience. A negative mentality will simply keep you rigid and unable to adjust to the ever changing reality.

Recognize You’re In Control

Only you can chart your path and decide how you react to stressors. Instead of letting a crisis control you through anxiety, you can meet it with mindfulness and problem-solving skills. Start working towards building resilience and learning how to manage pressure before it causes stress.

Find support

Stop playing the martyr. Allow yourself to seek help. Find support in friends and family. Remember you’re not alone. What may be happening to you has happened to others as well.


Stay sane in the midst of challenges through true positivity and self-control. Recognize that life is neither made for suffering nor for unending joy. It’s neither black nor white. It’s what you make out of it. Choose to aim for the best way to live it.

Photo Credit: Olivecooke

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