7 Book Choices Of The Month

7 Book Choices Of The Month

With personal development books filling physical and virtual shelves, it is best to narrow your choices to books that have made a significant impact on many lives.

Pick these seven must-reads if you want to gain a lot of help and insights on the subject of self-growth and self-improvement. 


Man’s Search For Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl

Frankl’s experiences as a Holocaust survivor allowed him to discover that our search for purpose is a deep-seated need. Finding our life’s purpose gives us the power to move forward even in the worst of situations imaginable.


This life-changing memoir is one not to be missed.


Awaken The Giant Within by Tony Robbins

Coach and motivational speaker Tony Robbins reveals a step-by-step approach to taking control of your physical, mental, emotional, and financial realities. 

This book helps you develop self-mastery. In doing so, you discover your purpose, take control of yourself, and nurture a positive and productive future.


Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman

Nobel prize winner Kahneman developed the new discipline called behavioral economics. This is the science of how psychology and cognition affect our decision-making process.


He says that we make the best decisions when we merge two thinking systems: the instinctual, subconscious system and our conscious, self-reflective, rational side.


Sapiens, A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari

Harari gives an intriguing in-depth view of our behavior, habits, emotions, and relationships through a retelling of man's history as a species. A definite must-read.


The Happiness Advantage by Shawn Achor

The common belief is that happiness is gained from hard work and accomplishments. But this book reveals otherwise.

It is happiness that truly fuels success. When we are happy, we become more creative, motivated, and inspired.

Achor shows how we can retrain our brains to lead us to happiness and success. 


Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity by David Allen

David Allen offers a unique step-by-step approach to productivity and time management. Among self-growth books, this book stands out for its accurate, time-tested, detailed guide to organizing your life.

The Four-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferris

Ferris spent 10 years learning everything about creating mobile, luxury lifestyles. If you are thinking of taking up the career and lifestyle of a digital nomad, this book will be up your alley. You will learn how to gain control of your working hours, location, and even your workload.


Learn how to continually improve yourself. Let these exceptional books help you find your purpose and unleash your full potential.

Photo Credit: Fisunka
